Thursday, 7 October 2010

Day 2 - Dinner with Dan and Kate

Sylvie popped her head out of the tent this morning and announced we were in a cloud, she could hardly see the tent next to us . We set off anyway and leaving the campsite met a man who worked in Stockholm who told us it would be utterly miserable there in late October! Hopefully the sauna's will still be warm and welcoming and the cinnamon buns plentiful.

Today was really hard, we cycled down through the peak district to Nottingham, completely shrouded in the cloud with huge rock laden trucks bearing down on us. It was good fun going down hill though and I always like to pretend I'm in the Tour de France.

We stopped at the newly married Bellerby household for lunch, Kate cooked us yummy pasta and after eating barefoot in the sun we set off for the Wolds..................

Wolds suck! We pedalled up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down all afternoon, stopping only to gorge some chocolate and fix a puncture (Sylvie's this time). It was dark by the time we arrived at our campsite and as reception was closed we pitched up. Having momentarily satiated my hunger with a whole tree's worth of nuts I spotted a bell for the night porter. He came charging out of his caravan shouting at us to move our tent and warning us he'd have to check the security cameras to see what we'd be up too since we'd arrived. After explaining that we were just exhausted and agreeing to move the tent he gave us a smile and said Oh are you doing this for charity, don't worry about paying and off he went.

Lovely Dan and Kate had arrived in the village pub meanwhile and after showering and putting on our matching eveningwear (purple trousers and pink fleeces, I kid you not!) we walked to join them and ate delicious crumbles with roasties and cauliflower cheese. Yum.

About 60 miles today pedalled today. We're on our way!

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